Autobiography of Lois Kamp

I was born on a mountain top

Autobiography of Lois Kamp (after Nazim Hikmet and Desire Vail)

I was born on a mountain top in Greenbrier County, WV in 1946
post war baby boomer
I lived in my childhood home for 17 years
but I could not wait to move away
from the collective shame of West Virginia
hayseeds hicks hillbillies
in 1968 I arrived in San Francisco with flowers in my hair
my mother had an eight grade education, oldest daughter of 12
she was loud mad angry
in her eyes I could do no right
from my mother I learned fear crudeness strength resilience
with her death I discovered, things do not matter
my father was drafted in WW2, POW for 28 months, when liberated weighed 98 pounds
he was quiet smiling reserved
in his eyes I could do no wrong
from my father I learned hope grace perseverance love
with his death I discovered sometimes God brings you home to say goodbye
at 21 I became a registered nurse
at 22 I became a wife
my first husband was a bipolar poet disc jockey
from him I learned to walk on eggshells
I divorced after 21 years
at 23 I became a mother
I raised 2 sons
at 31 I became a nurse practitioner from UCLA
I made a good living
at 44 I married my second husband
an airline pilot who developed Alzheimer's
from him I learned patience
we were married 20 years
with his passing I discovered death can be a blessing
at 52 I became a grandmother
all the good things with no responsibilities
at 62 I retired reinvented myself and became an artist
I did not know I had so much art inside me
at 68 I married a poet engineer inventor
from him I learned love can be easy, arguing is a choice
God saved the best for last
at 72 I was diagnosed with stage 4, inoperable, metastatic lung cancer
I am determined not to let that diagnosis define me
I live a full life
only God knows how long I will live
I am very grateful.

If you like my poetry you can buy me a coffee
Painting available on